Episode 79 - Mom Mothma?!
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- Gil: Listening to episode 73, and prodigy has the best theme song! (Star Trek)
Album of Month
Last Month was Pokeys Pick: Professor Kliq - Spiderheck OST
- Thaj: I liked it, but I have some feelings.
- Lyle: Its gamey, and its the Professor. Of course I like it.
- Pokey: I love this so hard, that I might accidentally hurt it.
This Month is Lyle's pick: Infected Mushroom, Vicious Delicious
Random Topics
- Spiderheck
- Feedback / Prodigy
- Sandman
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- Apparently I like KDE now? (after 20 years) FIGHT!
- Radiant Black and the Massive-verse
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- One Page Rules, wargaming knock-off that's better than the original?
- ANDOR (yes, the layzur sord 1) - contemporaneous notes
- Andor's music - Andor's music is as good as rogue 1's music is bad
- blaster hits - Why do blaster hits to the shoulder always kill imperial soldiers, and always make rebels limp?
- storm trooper armor - Why can't storm trooper armor defend from a head butt?
- Some marksman guy... - How is the guy with the heavy machine gun a marksman?
- The pilot sleeve thing - What's the things all the pilots have in their sleeve, and the general had holding his cape closed?