Episode 19 - The Great Crash
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Album of Month
Last Month was Lyle's pick Prophets of Rage
Thaj: Not cohesive enough
Lyle: Good, but I agree with Thaj
Pokey: Too much cowbell (in one song)!
Klaatu: I skipped this
This month is Klaatu's pick: Western Pennsylvania, Plain Lo
Random Topics
Announcement HPR 2018 New Year's Live Stream
Possibly pick up some of the ideas from the Mastodon "canon" megathread.
StarTrek Discovery
Thaj Finally invites on another Emacs user to gang up on Lyle (YAY!)
Three way tie in a two player game!
- Possible hack to make the Pocket CHIP actually usable.
Firefox 57+ (Quantum) might have actually made firefox great again?!
Petition Card Game
Board game review: Spinderella (spoiler: buy it)
Album of the month
Beverage discussion
Lyle: Johnny Walker Red
Thaj: Water
Klatuu: Coffee
Pokey: Millies Oatmeal Stout
Thor Ragnarok & other super hero movies
Finally able to replace the last critical non-foss application on my phone.
Shitty businesses / customers
Things that Thaj hears at work that makes him want to vomit.