Episode 04 - You're so pretty
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Lyle: Bourbon barel aged Arogant Bastard and Left Hand Brewing Milk Stout
Pokey: liver saving and working after the show
Thaj: was late, and we forgot to ask
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Pokey talks about riding on dirt roads - Perelli Angel/Devil GT tires
Show Licensed CC-BY-SA 40. International
Lyle Harasses Pokey about getting HPR Audio Book Club files published
Thanks to the kind folks over on #nikola (freenode) for the help setting up an ogg feed, and to Ken Fallon for instigating it.
Lyle eats duck eggs
Lyle & Pokey talk diets
Lyle bitches about Verizon, CDMA, and Galaxy Nexus
Welcome to Grumpy Thaj!
Pokey makes a game chair
Pokey goes to the Arcade
Some games he remembers, some he loves, some he didn't find
Lyle hacks his knife
Mrs. Thaj finally watches The Force Awakens
Pokey Teases his multi-media HPR motorcycle episode
Mr Robot, watch it