Episode 16 - Hold the Sweedish
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Album of Month
The last two months was Mutter, by Rammstien.
Thaj: It was a thing
Lyle: I enjoyed this
Pokey: I was busy getting cut on
This month is Thaj's pick: Rachel's Systems/Layers
Random Topics
Pokey's surgery stuff.
Mike Tyson
Project updates & Collaborations
Lyle's Pi project ... has issues. More to come
Thaj is 3D printing a 3D printer.
Chip Implants
Thaj New job = major life changes
New Laptop
New PC
I realize nobody but me cares ... But hells yeah
Dear Metallica, what did music ever do to you?
Star Trek Discovery Watch: the LV17 spin and more comes out about the behind the scenes ugliness
If you're a grownup, and employed and you live in a first world country; there are a few items you should have
Closed bottom salt/pepper grinders
Decent knives and a knife sharpener
After endless ridicule for my knife choices, Pokey decided I needed a new one. Its awesome!
Cellphone nonsense
Lyle's sister accidentally took a phone that was not hers when she left his house.
fuck Samsung
Sony Xperia phones = not so bad... Who knew?
w00t. Signal has a dark theme.
Follow up to AppImages: Fire Jail
Podcast Commercials
pixel dungeon is hard as balls!
Shut up take my money: PS4 Call of Cthulhu
bit rot