.. title: Episode 15 - Klatuu is SAVAGE .. slug: episode-15-klatuu-is-savage .. date: 2017-08-01 00:00:00 UTC-04:00 .. tags: .. category: .. link: .. description: .. type: text .. enclosure: https://archive.org/download/urandom-015/urandom-015.mp3 .. enclosure_length: .. ogg_enclosure: https://archive.org/download/urandom-015/urandom-015.ogg .. ogg_enclosure_length: Listen Now ---------- {{% mako_audio url=https://archive.org/download/urandom-015/urandom-015.mp3 %}} Hosts ----- - `Lyle `__ - `Pokey `__ - `Thaj `__ Drinks ------ - Lyle: Diet Polar Orange Dry + Coffee (not together) - Pokey: Polar Toasted Coconut Seltzer w/Vodka - Thaj: The wet water Feedback --------- `Get in touch with us! `__ - This came in after we recorded the last show, but Josh Mason from G+ loves our endings. - More from Josh on randonness of /dev/random to /dev/urandom - Friend of the show Windigo confirms what Lyle said about german metal and brownies `(it's Tool) `__ Album of Month -------------- - Last Month was Mutter, by Rammstien. English lyrics `here `__, but nobody got to listen to it, so we're going to do it again! Random Topics ------------- - LnB's audio short story Unit 19 - Subscribe to his `newletter `__ - 2048, again - Its hot! - `Gurk `__ & `Pixel Dungeon `__ - Thaj finally found a purpose for the `Pocket C.H.I.P `__ - Lyle got/made an Rpi kit - `Screen + Case `__ - `Battery `__ - `Keyboard gadget `__ - Craigslist revenue - Thaj & Lyle have finished Nathan Lowell's "To Fire Called" - `FBReader `__ & Android text to speech. - `FBReader on Kindle `__ - Spiderman: Homecoming. Fuck yeah - Star Trek Discovery: Still looks dumb - Pokey loves his phone so hard!!! System Profiles, and battery life. - Pebbles and `alternatives `__ - Lyle changes site theme, because of the issue with galleries, and setups up a virtualevn in the process - Pokey's fake email address is better than his real one :-( - `SyFy adapts Foundation for TV `__ - Also apparently `Downpour `__ is a thing I should have known about - Lyle's getting his bathroom remodeled. Updates to follow - PE released a new album, for free on bandcamp https://publicenemy.bandcamp.com/ (but its gone now :( ) - Pokey strongly reccomends `Ex Machina `__ - Pretend Chef - `Pocket flamethrower `__ - `Mozilla Voice Project `__ - AppImages are also the Shiz - `I have two thumbs?! `__ - Pokey builds a New Linux DAW for his daughter