.. title: Episode 06 - Sneakers and Bicycles .. slug: episode-06-sneakers-and-bicycles .. date: 2016-11-01 00:00:00 UTC-00:00 .. tags: .. category: .. link: .. description: .. type: text .. enclosure: https://archive.org/download/urandom-006/urandom-006.mp3 .. enclosure_length: 133596672 .. ogg_enclosure: https://archive.org/download/urandom-006/urandom-006.ogg .. ogg_enclosure_length: 81196672 Listen Now ---------- {{% mako_audio url=https://archive.org/download/urandom-006/urandom-006.mp3 %}} Hosts ----- - `Lyle `_ - `Pokey `_ - `Thaj `_ Drinks ------ - Lyle: Mt. Dew/Tequila sunrise thingy - Pokey: Pinacle Vodka & lime Polar seltzer - Thaj: Vitamin Water Zero Squeeze (not lemonade) Feedback -------- `Get in touch with us! `__ - `@megaslipper `_ says we're `"not shit" `_ Random Topics ------------- - Lyle adds `CC-BY-SA-4.0 `__ license to the show pages. - Moving to AWS and LetsEncrypt - Thaj's OLF debachury - shoutout to new listener Ken - `Mazes and Monsters `_ - Tony Bemus scares the shit out of Thaj with metasploit. - Android Games - `NetHack `_ - `Pixel Dungeon `_ - `Startraders Elite `_ - Thaj & Lyle gush about Nathan Lowell's `Milk run `_ - `A Light In The Dark `_ - `2600 Amazon Sub `_ - `Horus Rising `_ - `Dawn of War II on Linux `_ - Pokey completely fails to get a robot arm - Oh Fuck, `its beginning `_ - `Elevator Music `_ - Possible Tesla `Douchy-ness `_ - 01:41 to get to Gundam - Long chat about Capitalism and post-Capitalism - Miatas/ Lightbulbs, Pokey knows a lot about them. - the Fiendish NYBill did an HPR on `bandit `_, Lyle is hooked. - Cool Miata stuff - Car cruise night - Awesome railway racers - Pokey's daughter listens to "real" music